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wandering on a road to an unknown destination
self actualization in a discovery mode

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Work goes on, in spite of the beautiful weather.....

The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and it is just a beautiful day in east Tennessee.  Later this afternoon I plan to enjoy the weather on our porch.  I might even cut the grass in the back yard!

But until then, I am working on smalls that will be matted and wrapped for sale.  I try to have levels of price points for my work so that everyone can afford something.  I realize that artwork is a luxury....and not everyone can have Picasso hanging on their walls.  My personal art collection has been developed over many years and I did a lot of trading with artists who I admired their work. I find it to be pure joy to be surrounded by the work and spirit of many talented creators.

On my docket next week is to get back to the big quilt I am working on, and I really need to open an ETSY shop.  I am only sharing this in hopes that it will get me moving in the right direction.  Sooo...stop and smell the roses and if they haven't bloomed yet, smell the irises...Have a blessed day....di

(The four pieces on the wall are in line for quilting next)

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