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wandering on a road to an unknown destination
self actualization in a discovery mode

Sunday, February 23, 2025

“Pull Up A Chair”


This piece chose its name very early. I just saw a lot of chair forms on my scribbled canvas. Conversation is certainly the order of the day. Anything else I might add might be a bit ‘preachy’, so let it suffice to say-talk to each other.

This is 3’x4’, so it is a good size piece. I have four 9x12 canvases waiting for me and am looking forward to some quicker finishes.


Saturday, February 1, 2025



It’s February ALREADY! So here is just a tease. I am working on a larger piece and doing a small home renovation, so forgive the lapse in pictures.  This piece is one who told me it’s name early-‘pull up a chair’ will reveal everything soon…di

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Great Show!


Had a fantastic turn out for First Friday in downtown Knoxville.  It is so gratifying to have my work out for others to see. Enjoyed talking to all the people who came and am now energized for this coming year…. Sigh, I loved it!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Final piece for January 2025 Show….


Newest piece and probably the last for the year! Christmas and vacationing coming up and just enough time to get a first of January show packaged up, priced etc…..

Not sure of a title, but I have to think of one in the next week or two. Something with the housing shortage maybe or dreams of a home?

Thanks for following me this year. I, seriously, really appreciate it! Now to get those decorations out….Happy Holiday season to you and yours.  Di

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A peak at newpiece….


Working on a new piece, 24x36, and it is taking its time to lead me where it wants to go. This is just a snippet ….things are progressing.

Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Hasn’t told me it’s name yet either…stay tuned.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

“Thankful for the Years”


This piece originated from a photo I saw on FB. The photo was a man seated at a restaurant table and he looked so happy. Even though you could not see other people in the photo, you knew he was surrounded by loved ones. So, here is my painting representing the love and memories we gather through the years. Enjoy!

10x20, acrylic and collage

Saturday, September 28, 2024

“The Plot Thickens”


Naming this one, “The Plot Thickens”. A bag of characters and a book…anything can happen!

16”x20” acrylic on canvas

Sunday, September 22, 2024

‘What Next?’


This did not start out to become introspective but it definitely is. 
The painting is 9x12, acrylic and collage on a wood cradle board.

I think I will title it ‘What Next?’ As at the moment, I am pondering what to paint on a 3x4’ canvas. That big a of a canvas will take me at least a month.  I think my subconscious revealed itself in this piece.
If I had known where I was going, I would have painted an older and shall we say ‘curvier’ main character…lol…di

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Naming this one “Focus”. Kind of self explanatory…I think. I am always interested in the layers of life both metaphorically and physically. I revere science, science fiction, spiritual essence, and good ol’ wonder. I use ladders as symbols of growth, my horses are kindness, my houses = home, and the blue people are humanity. My orbs represent the soul/ spirit. So my paintings are ‘complex simple’ like me🧐. Whatever, I hope you enjoy it. My paintings are orchestrated to a stop-look-figure it out principle……love, di

Sunday, August 25, 2024

“You and Me”


Just “You and Me” in a crazy little world.

18x18 acrylic on canvas.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Reaching for the answers to life…..

Third canvas in “the series with no name yet”. Am really enjoying these rich deep colors. And, of course, the whimsical characters are fun. This new piece is 24x30 and is just filled with personality. There is always the eternal question of ‘what is going on?’  The world is filled with so many different perceptions and perspectives. Life is interesting….

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Herd….


This is my newest piece (15x30). The second out of the fourteen canvases I found at an estate sale.  So, as always, I set a goal (using the term loosely) when I am kind of doing a group of paintings.  In this group, I plan to use the little blue men, abstract more and try to luminously paint. No problem.

I like this piece but am still not sure about the color on the border. Have to give it a few days. I did sign the piece so it is probably done. Di

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Abstracting a bit more….


Trying to abstract/distort a bit more. I love artwork that is linear, has graffiti and an edge to it.  I seem to not have enough internal angst! Plus, I have a real love affair with color. Lately, the smalls I have been working on are a bit too cute so I am putting on my big girl panties and searching for my next direction. Looking for a progressive curve in the road. I am not looking for a cliff….at least I don’t think so….

Wednesday, July 17, 2024



Number 2 and 3 out of  four 9x12s.  I will start doing some bigger pieces after the fourth small board is done.. It probably feels like I am a painting machine (because of all the posting), but that is because I have been doing small pieces. With smaller pieces, I can just let them happen. With larger pieces, it is better to start with a plan and it takes more time to figure out the destination.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Night Song….

 Fun little piece I titled, “Night Song”. I have three more I am working on this size and then I am going to work some larger pieces.  I have enjoyed working small but it is TIME to get a little more serious….🧐 yeah right! But I can try…

Monday, July 1, 2024

Three? ……


Really am liking this piece. Sometimes everything just plays well together. Do not have a name yet. Have several in mind but nothing has resonated with me. Always open for possibilities. 

This is acrylic on paper, it is approximately 12x16.

Enjoy and feel free to share🙏. Di

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Last of the 5x7s….(for now)

 I really do like doing this size! Though the small face on the figure is a bit of a challenge. Have gotten where I really like painting on the wood cradle boards also. So, apparently, I am a ‘happy camper’ today. (These are available on EBay) Smiles to you…..di

Monday, June 3, 2024

Whimsical Art


Two small pieces, just 5x7. Perfect for a small space or on shelving. The top piece is “Prince Roundhead” and the second piece is “All Dressed Up”. They are just fun little pieces. We all do need some whimsy in our lives. Just sayin….

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 Last of my 8x10’s. Calling these last several pieces-storyboards.  They seem to encapsulate the narrative aspect of painting. I have a strong feeling this may change. We shall see….di

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Not titled yet…l

This is a lot of detail for such a small piece. what was I thinking? Of course that question could be asked of most my artwork! I am at kind of a strange place with my artwork in that I don’t know what I want to paint…so, the way to find out is to ‘just paint,’ and eventually something/some theme will evolve. That is what I tell myself. For now-at least I am off the streets…❤️di’

Saturday, May 4, 2024

8x10 on wood


Fun little piece….they seem to be thinking and figuring things out! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Only 25 more…..


What is hard now is finding new things to paint or draw. Have been doing colored pencil lately. This is 71-75….soon, I  have to figure out what I am going to do with all of them when I am finished!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Only 30 to go…

 70 out of a 100 are done. Not all are masterpieces but I am determined to finish this goal.  Not sure why I thought it was a good idea but ‘it is what it is’! I think I bought in because they come in a cute box. So I am easy (and determined)!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Mini series…

Mini series because I had 3 9x12 canvases and this is what happened! Totally too sweet-as an artist I really need more angst.  Oh well.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Garden Party


A sweet piece picturing a garden party. It is the first of three. It is only 9x12, so a fairly small piece. I decided to call my little dotted horse a ‘hordot’ …for me this animal represents pure kindness and he/she shows up in a lot of my paintings. I would describe this piece as naive, narrative and a blend of modernism and primitive simplification.  Art speak is so obscure-just hope you like it…di

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Trodding onward…


Still finishing some smalls for EBay sales….think I am ready for some bigger work but have 7-8 more small canvases and my goal this year is to utilize what I have in my studio! I really am quite happy with what I am no complaints👍di

Friday, March 22, 2024

Finished finally!

 Did two videos of this art journal and both were too large to post on this blogspot! So I am posting a few pictures of some spreads and the whole video can be viewed on Instagram #difergiart  Did I mention it took me two years to finish this (it did sit on a shelf a lot of that time) and I seriously doubt I will do anymore (this is the fourth)….di

Monday, February 19, 2024

Working small…


So this is 2024 so far, minus two that sold!  I am enjoying these but know eventually I will want to do a larger piece.  I list these on EBay as ‘Difergi’ ..l know eBay is not a prestigious gallery BUT the supplemental income is nice.  And most people can afford these smaller pieces.

Large pieces can take me a month-maybe more, so of course they are pricey. Oh my-Talking about money is so crass! Let’s pretend we are all rich and of course you would like to buy a large piece for your penthouse. Or how about, you enjoy looking and I will continue enjoying creating. Love….di

Friday, February 9, 2024

Work in progress…..


These are pages from an art journal that I have been working on for over a year now! I just work on it between projects so it is slow going. I made the mistake of making too many pages and I will not do that again! This is my fourth art journal and I just do them for fun. I still have 5 spreads to do and some more on the cover page.  The next time you see a post on this journal, it will be in a video and finished!

Friday, February 2, 2024

“In Queue”


This is the fifth of five (yay done) of five 12x12 panels. My goal is to use up the small canvases that I already have in the studio.
To me this implies a line in a cafe somewhere in fantasy land (where I apparently reside). I actually really enjoy doing the small pieces. Di