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wandering on a road to an unknown destination
self actualization in a discovery mode

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Demonstrating at Arrowmont last weekend

Had fun demonstrating at the Southern Highland Guild store 'Arrowcraft' in Gaitlinburg this past weekend.  I worked on composing some smalls and have now brought them home to get them ready for the rest of the processes involved in making these little artworks.  It was a LOT of cut and paste.  On the afternoon of the second day, I picked up my sissors and they weighed  twenty pounds!  That is when, I knew it was time to quit.  Met lots of lovely people and had a great time.  Here are some of what I came back with-you will see them finished in the near future (or maybe not so near future ....)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Art Bee Round Robin

We started off with a 6" square and off it went to different members of the group.  Absolutely love how it is turning out....will still go to someone for embellishment....different perspectives melded together create really special end results....will post it when it is done...