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wandering on a road to an unknown destination
self actualization in a discovery mode

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

View outside of my studio window.....

What a beautiful and peaceful day to work in my studio....the earth blanketed in white, no footprints, and silence....
Finished up a piece for the SacredThreads show.  Have to get professional pictures made and then I am ready to enter it.  I usually will not show a piece until it is accepted (or not), but I decided to go ahead and post this.  It's title is 'The Clarion Call', and it is about how we are called to praise, give thanks, and lift our hearts up in joy.  Those of you who have know me for awhile will see the connection to the paintings I use to do.  I have been feeling the need to connect back to my core.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

This is where it gets scary....

This piece is  halfway composed and before I go any further in the sky I have to do some dying/inking.  Now why is this scary?  The answer is because I have already input many hours to get this far, the pieces are quilted together and some embellishment has already been added. The ink is applied on a wet surface and can very easily bleed into areas where it is unwanted.  So, my self-taught technique is, I have an iron right next to where I am inking and just work in small areas at a time..Drying and setting the ink with the heat most of the time  ;-), of course I also use the crossed fingers is the times it doesn't work that make it scary...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Three of Three...done!

Blue indigo done.....IF I had to pick my very, very, favorite color, it might just be indigo blue.  I am a blue person and have always been drawn to it.  On the right,  the next small to be done and then of course I have a larger 30"x 30" piece I need to get done in the next 2 weeks....I do keep busy but making art is what makes me happy and keeps me sane....sane being a subjective thing....

Monday, February 2, 2015

I must be getting old-because I now love purple....

This is the second of three that have been waiting since Christmas to be finished.  The third one will be done tomorrow.  I do not know if it is my age or what but I have been really drawn to purple lately.  Is it hormones??????