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wandering on a road to an unknown destination
self actualization in a discovery mode

Monday, November 20, 2017

"Fisher Women of the Ice Lands"

This mixed media piece just makes me smile!  This artwork is in response to a class by Deb Weiers in which her piece was entitled, "Fish People of the Prairies".  I love her work and her piece is delightful.  Her style is more graphic than mine so of course they came out very different (other than thematically) from each other.  The differences in artist's styles and mark making is one of the things that make me love art and creating.  We all have our own voice.  What a celebration!

So, it really doesn't particularly fit with my usual work but it was so much fun to do.  Enjoy.

Sunday, November 5, 2017


This is a redo of an older painting that I was never happy with.  When I am 'thinking' about what new work I want to start, sometimes I will work on an older painting that just never felt finished or too simple in its composition.  I think I am happy with this ties in with what I have been doing lately and I think it is a pretty little piece.  It is only 9"x 12".  It is a gem.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Sense the Presence"

This is actually a fairly large piece which I have titled, "Sense the Presence".  It measures 3'x4' and I love working this size.  The paintings themselves seem to have more importance when they are larger.  The smaller pieces are like gems and the the larger are the cornerstones for a series.  IMHO

Been on a cruise to Canada so now the holiday season is creeping up so my postings may slow down a bit until I can totally focus on painting in January.  I love January just for the reason that life slows down and studio time is not so hard to find.
