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wandering on a road to an unknown destination
self actualization in a discovery mode

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Abstracting a bit more….


Trying to abstract/distort a bit more. I love artwork that is linear, has graffiti and an edge to it.  I seem to not have enough internal angst! Plus, I have a real love affair with color. Lately, the smalls I have been working on are a bit too cute so I am putting on my big girl panties and searching for my next direction. Looking for a progressive curve in the road. I am not looking for a cliff….at least I don’t think so….

Wednesday, July 17, 2024



Number 2 and 3 out of  four 9x12s.  I will start doing some bigger pieces after the fourth small board is done.. It probably feels like I am a painting machine (because of all the posting), but that is because I have been doing small pieces. With smaller pieces, I can just let them happen. With larger pieces, it is better to start with a plan and it takes more time to figure out the destination.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Night Song….

 Fun little piece I titled, “Night Song”. I have three more I am working on this size and then I am going to work some larger pieces.  I have enjoyed working small but it is TIME to get a little more serious….🧐 yeah right! But I can try…

Monday, July 1, 2024

Three? ……


Really am liking this piece. Sometimes everything just plays well together. Do not have a name yet. Have several in mind but nothing has resonated with me. Always open for possibilities. 

This is acrylic on paper, it is approximately 12x16.

Enjoy and feel free to share🙏. Di